in·ves·ti·ga·tion (noun) a formal inquiry or systematic study.

FireTox offers a full range of fire, explosion, and toxicological investigation and litigation support services for both small-scale and large-scale losses. Beyond origin and cause (O&C) investigation, our experts have specialized knowledge in the following areas:
NFPA 921 and Investigative Methodology
Fire Chemistry, Fire Dynamics, and Fire Modeling
Fire Detection, Suppression, and Life Safety Systems
Building Construction and Code Compliance/Deficiencies
Electrically-Initiated Fires
Human Behavior in Fire
Casual Factors in Fire Deaths and Injuries ​
Fire and Combustion Toxicology
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Incidents
Drugs and Alcohol Impairment in Accidental Deaths
Through established partnerships, FireTox also offers its clients a fully-equipped fire and materials laboratory available for product failure analysis, fire reconstruction testing, evidence examination, and evidence storage. Contact us today to learn more about our Fire Investigation and Litigation Support services.